JEM Retail Consultants providing services in buying and merchandising, Programme Management, IT services and Logistics & Warehousing.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Birth of JEM Retail Consultants

The trials & tribulations of setting up JEM and all the tasks involved and the case studies.


So setting up JEM Retail Consultants sounds straight forward enough. Three colleagues who have worked together over the past 10 years decide to unite and market themselves as a consultancy firm. The deal should be clinched over lunch and a glass, or 2, of Sauvignon Blanc and away we go……or is it ……….umm not so…… now we need a name, a website, a logo, business cards, pictures, case studies oh my, it’s an endless list of tasks and decisions.  Luckily for me no argument over the name – JEM - I love shiny things so a name close to my heart and made up of Jane, Erica, Mike – so I come first – great can’t complain about that. But then it gets harder, good job we have Mike managing and nagging us – apparently normally my job as the resident Programme Manager.

JEM Retail Consultants:
And so we write our case studies, Erica and Mike working together on Buying and Merchandising structure and operations and a Warehouse implementation at Awear. All of us at Jacques-Vert working on a complete Supply Chain Programme – won a retail Week Award for that one so a great photo opportunity there for the website. Then there was LK Bennett and again all 3 of us, this one a little more complex as Erica and I held senior positions in the business, Merchandise Director and Head of IT & Logistics respectively, as well as carrying out project & programme roles.  Meantime, Mike concentrated on resolving the ever increasing issue of what to do with stock at the end of the season. Easy, I hear you say, and yes, from an outsiders point of view but not when at LK Bennett.  However, for the real story you would need to ply me with more than 2 glasses of Sauvignon Blanc.

So the work continued, all of the time conscious of our story and the essence of what JEM is all about and how best to get that across to potential customers.  Why us, why not a blue chip Consultancy Firm, apart from the obvious cost savings!  We had to make sure the case studies bought to life the 3 of us as individuals; exceptionally skilled and experienced in our own area of expertise, having held various operational jobs as well as the project & programme work.  All 3 of us skilled at presenting strategic goals and then delivering those goals and benefits.  Three individuals who work as individuals yet work even better as a team.  Ten years together means we know how the other one works, so we don’t save time by cutting corners, we save time and deliver excellence by hitting the ground running together as one unit.  Anyway, don’t let me go on and on, just take a look at the websites and peruse through the case studies, see if you believe we have achieved what we set out to do?

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